16 Northgate Motor Lodge i New Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New Zealand16 Northgate Motor Lodge


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16-18, Northgate, 4312, New Plymouth, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-758 5324
internet side: www.northgatemotorlodge.co.nz
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Latitude: -39.0554378, Longitude: 174.0890266

kommentar 5

  • Donelle Hall

    Donelle Hall


    I stay here regularly and the standard is always high. The hosts are friendly and welcoming, the rooms are comfortable and have everything you need to enjoy a comfortable stay. Location is good and the price is right.

  • Thomas Wahlgren

    Thomas Wahlgren


    Ok accommodation but very noisy from the traffic all night through.

  • Raewyn Paterson

    Raewyn Paterson


    Lovely quiet, clean and comfortable studio unit. Good laundry facilities including a couple of airing racks & clothesline. Free use of bikes & close to track but unfortunately rain set in so couldn't use them.

  • en

    Geoff Kydd


    Great people, great location, fantastic value

  • en

    Dyanne Dixon


    My only complaint is that the bed sagged in the middle but the friends who came with us said the bed in their room was great. Really nice rooms, good location and most of all, honest people! I accidentally left some gold jewellery behind and they were in touch with us immediately! So grateful! I'd stay there again any day.

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