Ace Motor Lodge i Rotorua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAce Motor Lodge



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319, Fenton Street, 3010, Rotorua, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 7-347 0452
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Latitude: -38.15221, Longitude: 176.253554

kommentar 5

  • en

    Husniah Buang


    Reasonable priced. Clean chalet near to city centre.

  • en

    Jane Black


    Room was dirty and smally small, facilities are in bad condition, Toilet and sink was horrible. nevr ever wanted to come back.

  • en

    Sarah Lima


    Very old fashioned place, poor cleaning and service, and overpriced. Had an issue during the night and manager didn't even bother to get out to talk to us. Would never come back!

  • Tom Wong

    Tom Wong



  • en

    Belinda Osgood


    Very disappointing stay. We stayed 2 nights. Had to wash our dishes by boiling the jug as hot water mysteriously disappears during the day. Bed ok, spa bath good. Dated and tired decor. Needs a darn good renovation. Kitchenette but hot plate and pot/pan have to be asked for at office; they are not supplied in the room. No cooking utensils - vege peeler, sharp knife, etc. Dishwashing liquid is watered down. Very clean, though I don't like the starched sheets. In the road front units it is quite noisy at night due to traffic passing. Of the 6 places booked for our 3 week road trip this is the most expensive and the poorest quality/experience.

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