Al Huda Mosque i Dunedin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAl Huda Mosque


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21, Clyde Street, 9016, Dunedin, NZ Neuseeland
kontakter telefon: +64 3-477 1838
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Latitude: -45.8691597, Longitude: 170.5151802

kommentar 5

  • Ram Malik

    Ram Malik


    A nice and today place for spiritual journey

  • en

    Harsha Wijesinghe


    Friendly, helpful and welcome everyone including non-Muslim people. Highly recommended

  • en

    Qmr Den


    Convenient for muslim travellers because near city centre. Very well maintained facilities. Get halal food info on the notice board.

  • en

    Ashraf Alam


    This is the only Muslim prayer place in the city. It has separate prayer and ablution facilities for men and women. The people are among the nicest and are very helpful. Even the non-Muslim people can visit here and there are scholars who will answer your questions about Islam. It's suggested to avoid controversial issues as debates on these often have political interpretations on which everyone doesn't agree.

  • en

    MuhamadBazil Badrul Jamil


    Conveniently located in the town. Thank you, as our family can solat there during our holiday in New Zealand. However the masjid needs proper cleaning and maintenance

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