Amethyst Court Motorlodge i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAmethyst Court Motorlodge



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5, Titahi Bay Road, 5022, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-237 6989
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Latitude: -41.138466, Longitude: 174.84016

kommentar 5

  • BerendOldenburgerVEVO



    Place was nice and modern. The servants bought extra amenities each day during our stay which was nice for times when we ran out of coffee, sugar, etc. This also included towels (which had marks on them). There was no air conditioning in our room which resulted in a stuffy and humid environment especially when the outside temperature didn’t dropping below 20° at night. I would probably only stay here again if we got a room that had air conditioning.

  • en

    Andy Miller


    Great spot very helpful reception managers have stayed here a few times now very good i recommend it.

  • en

    Kevin Kay


    Worth every cent, very nice motel. Clean, comfortable, easy access to necessities.... loved it!

  • Calvin Owen

    Calvin Owen


    The room itself was nice enough, the bathroom especially. Tidy and well kept. But after returning in the evening to find a pair of shady hooded figures smoking in the parking lot right near my room windows, I admittedly did feel a bit unsafe at the place.

  • en

    Jess Brown


    I stay at motels in porirua regularly of late and this is by far the best one yet! Will definitely rebook :)

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