Angus Inn Hotel i Akina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAngus Inn Hotel


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507, Railway Road, 4172, Akina, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-878 8177
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Latitude: -39.645852, Longitude: 176.8382201

kommentar 5

  • Shar Wharehinga

    Shar Wharehinga


    Staff member Stormy was awesome. Very helpful and happy. Came for our aunties 70th last month.units clean. Although outside of building could do with waterblast or paint. . Sign hard to see from road as tree was blocking the sign.recently stayed here. Rooms are clean. Good value for money. Customer service from Jaegan was awesome. Would definitely be staying here again.

  • en

    Bruce Barry


    Awesome place.resterant food a bit pricey thow.24 dollars for 2bits of fish & a handful of chips.can get th same thing at local take-ways for $7.00.

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    Jess M


    After being sent here from the apple inn when our reserved room mysteriously disapered we got offered a room 20 more expensive , not enough beds for our kids and as soon as you walked in it STUNK of cannabis. All good if your a smoker but with 3 kids I don't think so. Both places failed us . Would never go to either again!! Ended up in our tent at 8pm, lucky we had it with us otherwise we would've been sleeping in the car with an 11, 9 and 2 year old. Thanks a lot. Steer clear from both places!!!

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    Josephine Morgan


    read the reviews before hand and ur okay with that all good, if not I can't say I'd recommend to be honest

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    Torn Asunder


    Not a great place at all. Reception staff are not very welcoming, didn't give me any information on the hotel at all or what they have to offer. The rooms were very poor, had a bad smell to both rooms and they we're both very dirty. Along the rails where the lights were it was all black and dusty, along with most of the surfaces including their TV remotes! Alot of the room lights wouldn't work either so when it came to night time, the rooms were very poorly lit. Check out time was for 10am but I had two rooms and one I had to close off so that the cleaners wouldn't bother us, who came in just before 9am. Very disappointed at this place, wouldn't recommend it to anyone, especially parents with kids!

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