Armstrong Prestige Wellington i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandArmstrong Prestige Wellington



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66, Cambridge Terrace, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-384 8779
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Latitude: -41.298002, Longitude: 174.781252

kommentar 5

  • Colin Tan

    Colin Tan


    Had a problem with my Q3. EPC light came on so was very worried something serious was going to happen with my engine. Towed my vehicle in just to be safe, was told what was expected with the first hour of diagnostics and labour, got called on the same day and advised it was only a minor problem with replacing one of the coils and the vehicle will be available to be picked up on the same day. Ryan was a gem to deal with. Honest, fast and reliable service. Highly recommended

  • en



    The service department here is just a joke. Tried 3 channels of communication: website form, email, phone call. None were answered. This level of service from a an authorised dealer in the UK would get them closed down. Rubbish.

  • Eric Saindon

    Eric Saindon


    If I could give negative stars I would. The service Dept had my car for months with very little feedback or information about what was happening. In the end they never really finished the work and I had to go to the toy shop to get the work finished properly.

  • Samuel Nelson

    Samuel Nelson


    I live in Nelson and chose to take my Jaguar to Armstrong Prestige in Wellington. After explaining my situation to Armstrong and asking how long service would take, I was told two hours, and I booked my return ferry travel. I was also told that the service was complementary. The day before my travel Armstrong called to tell me that the service was going to take longer than a day to complete. Because of Armstrong's poor communication I had to eat the cost of the missed ferry and book an additional trip to Wellington to pick up my car. When I did pick up my car, Armstrong handed me a bill for $500 for what I was repeatedly told was complementary. Again a huge communication error on Armstrong's part. Next time I'll travel farther to avoid Armstrong's in Wellington. The service itself was fine.

  • Daniel K Munroe

    Daniel K Munroe


    For over 2 years now, I've been using Armstrong Prestige for the servicing of my daily driven 1996 Jaguar XK8. I've found the service team to be professional, knowledgeable, and extremely pleasant to deal with. Plus their pricing has always seemed fair. All in all, great service.

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