Aspree Motor Inn i Palmerston North

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAspree Motor Inn


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700, Main Street, 4414, Palmerston North, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-357 3119
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Latitude: -40.3500546, Longitude: 175.625547

kommentar 5

  • Moana Eria

    Moana Eria


    Made a reservation 3 weeks in advance, travelled 3 hours only to find out (upon arrival) that they’ve decided to cancel our reservation based upon our looks. Never felt so deflated in my life. Reason for cancellation: they’d had bad experiences with “people like us” before. Discrimination at its finest! Definitely wouldn’t recommend this place to anyone unless you’re happy to negotiate for over half an hour with staff begging to let you stay, happy to provide ID of each person who will be staying and an extra $400 bond to make these people feel better about a group of people staying.

  • Dionne Harmer-Gemmell

    Dionne Harmer-Gemmell


    Never have I EVER felt so disrespected! Upon arrival were told that our booking had been cancelled and that we needed to have ID to prove our ages? First of all we are all over 18 and second of all how rude to be discriminated on our ages in the first place. To add to that we were also asked to pay a $400 bond before being allowed to stay because of this reason! How pathetic, after travelling 2 hours out of town to come here our trip has been completely ruined. If we had of known that we were going to be treated like this we sure as hell wouldn’t have booked here. They may need to write “under 25’s not welcome here” in their policy to save all the hassle.

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    Jahvaughn Manaena


    Turned up from Hawke’s bay with rooms booked get here and they cancel our booking based on assumptions of our age and how we look. Discrimination in the best form. Would not recommend to anyone coming from Afar to stay here as they’ll cancel your booking as you arrive

  • en

    Dereck Wright


    They were not only very welcoming bit very helpful. Highly recommend to all. Thank you Aspree

  • Antony Parahi

    Antony Parahi


    There's not much ventilation in the rooms and with no air-conditioning they are very hot in this heat we are experiencing during the summer of 2018 but I'm betting they're going to very comfortable in the winter.

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