Auckland North Shore Motels & Holiday Park i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandAuckland North Shore Motels & Holiday Park


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52, Northcote Road, 0627, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-481 1200
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Latitude: -36.794044, Longitude: 174.74678

kommentar 5

  • en

    frances rawson


    Easy to book in. $100 bond was a surprise on top of room rental. Room adequate for short stay however noisey fridge keeps you awake.

  • Amanda Hacche

    Amanda Hacche


    Very basic however it was clean. The staff were friendly but it was really annoying to have to pay a bond and not be told until I arrived. So used my credit card to pay the bond and it took nearly 2 weeks to get my money back. Not really acceptable these days.

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    Marine Power Systems


    We used to stay here quite regularly for work, spending 4k with them last year alone. The place was very basic but suited us. However due to an incident last month we will never give these people another dollar. The managers attitude stinks. He made a mistake and it costs us terribly. Be very careful if you are contemplating staying here, for an extra $15/night there are much better places in the area.

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    John Danrell


    A handy place when travelling through Auckland. On.the weekend it tended to be noisier at night .It is used by clubs and groups. Shower block was nicely tiled and clean. The room was adequate but pokey. On criticism is that although the rooms are smoke free, guests hang out on their door steps (and the roadways ).and puff smoke everywhere. Staff are mainly efficient but not very hospitable. A welcoming smile would go a long way.

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    Andrew Edgar


    This was just OK. There is a $100 bond which is concerning as they don't trust their guests, making what sort of guests they get. On the night we were there it was packed with no parking at our room. The room was average with only a fan to cool the room. Having to open the window to cool the room meant noises outside the room were multiplied. Great shower though! Wasn't there during the day to know the daytime facilities.

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