Avalon Motel - Thames i Thames

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New ZealandAvalon Motel - Thames



🕗 åbningstider

104, Jellicoe Crescent, 3500, Thames, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 7-868 7755
internet side: www.motelavalon.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -37.1486554, Longitude: 175.5499859

kommentar 5

  • Solungga Liu

    Solungga Liu


    A great place to stay--very clean and convenient. The owner was very friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Zoe S


    As it was a long weekend we had to book the only room they had left which was a family suite. It was quite expensive and had nothing special but it was still a good experience. The beds were quite comfortable and the tv was large and in a good position facing the beds. The kitchenette was clean and modern. The bathroom was also nice and modern however the shower was quite difficult to use. Our view (second floor) was lovely of the hills and moterway. If you had a family and the budget I would definitely recommend this place :)

  • pn pn

    pn pn


    Nice clean place but there’s nothing special here

  • es

    Ana maria Gonzalez


    Muy lindo hotel.Limpio y confortable. Muy buena ubicación.

  • en

    Pam Edwards


    We stayed at the Avalon Motel earlier this week and even though they are currently upgrading the whole motel we were very satisfied with our room. it was spacious, well set out and most of all very clean. the service on both arrival and check out was excellent, a very pleasant stay. We will definitely recommend the Avalon and will stay there again when we next visit Thames.

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