Beechtree Motel i Taupo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandBeechtree Motel



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56, Rifle Range Road, 3330, Taupo, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 7-377 0181
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Latitude: -38.6909074, Longitude: 176.0801752

kommentar 5

  • Matt Rowlands

    Matt Rowlands


    Seriously beautiful place. Easy parking. Quick walk into town or to the lake.

  • Rob Willis

    Rob Willis


    After having issues with our online booking due to the motel trying charge us before we stayed, we arrived around 2pm and checked in, as we went to our room there were a number of service staff smoking around the entrance which wasn't pleasant at all. The room had a revolting smell not due to the smokers but perhaps the cleaning products used. Seems to be a lack of maintenance as a variety of fixtures around the room were just hanging on. In my opinion the room was definitely not worth the rate we had to pay.

  • Leonie Sevenster

    Leonie Sevenster


    Enjoyed our stay very much. Nice, comfortable room with attention to detail.

  • Bren Balcombe

    Bren Balcombe


    Pretty average - not my definition of "Absolute Luxury" the lake (somewhere in the distance) view rooms are not worth the extra cost - rooms are practically the same as the other less expensive ones. We couldn't get a late check out. Bed was comfortable but the bathroom fixtures are starting to get a bit tired. Definately not the worst hotel and I would come back but not to the lake view rooms - waste of money if you think it's going to be an upgrade it isn't. Staff were moderately helpful but not overly.

  • Jeff Kinnan

    Jeff Kinnan


    This was absolutely the worst customer service I've ever received. I booked online, my credit card was charged, and booking was confirmed via email. I called the hotel to confirm that the office would be open when I arrived at 9:30pm. The owner, a lady, answered the phone and was unapologetically rude to me. She said that I shouldn't be calling her "at this time of night" and she "couldn't imagine why anybody would arrive at 9:30pm" and that she was unwilling to open the door to the lobby, she was closed, and she would not honor my reservation because I woke her up. During her angry tirade, I repeatedly apologized for waking her and stated that I was only interested in getting the key to the room that had already been charged to my credit card. I've never heard of a small business owner refusing to take a customer's money because she "worked 18 hours today" and making it seem like it's my fault for trying to check in to the hotel I already paid for. Well, I took my business elsewhere, and I encourage everybody to do the same. The new hotel I booked with down the road was friendly and cordial at the reception desk.

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