Bombay House 39 Restaurant and Bar i Upper Hutt

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New ZealandBombay House 39 Restaurant and Bar



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39, Main Street, 5018, Upper Hutt, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-939 9288
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Latitude: -41.1245925, Longitude: 175.0677299

kommentar 5

  • danielle lee

    danielle lee


    So update, after the not so great mothers day experience the owners reached out to make it right. We went to dinner there tonight and the food was AMAZING. We highly recommend the the shared platter, chicken tikka and the naan breads. We will definitely go back!

  • Diana Giles

    Diana Giles


    Always top class food and service here. Very attentive but not too much. Best restaurant in Upper Hutt. Will be back.

  • Mark Cooling

    Mark Cooling


    The place doesn't look flash, but don't let that put you off. The food was well worth the visit. I had chicken nilgiri which was new to me, spinach and mint made for a really tasty curry.

  • Rick Barrett

    Rick Barrett


    Absolutely STUNNING FOOD! Very friendly staff. Do yourself a favor & visit, you will NOT be disappointed!

  • Sarbjeet Singh

    Sarbjeet Singh


    Wow!!! The best restaurant in the town got the best chef. The food was so delicious. Customer service was simply the best. The premises has fabulous ambiance. A great place to gain enjoyable experience. Keen to visit soon again. Highly recommended. 👍👍👍

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