Bridgens Dental Surgery - ER Dental LTD i Te Puke

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New ZealandBridgens Dental Surgery - ER Dental LTD



🕗 åbningstider

77, Jellicoe Street, 3153, Te Puke, NZ Neuseeland
kontakter telefon: +64 7-573 7818
internet side:
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Latitude: -37.7850914, Longitude: 176.3274347

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sarah Lewis


    After 3 years of just being too busy for the dentist I took a leap and booked with Lumino in Te Puke. I left with a healthy smile not only because of the treatment (the team are lovely) but also it cost so much less than i had expected! I highly recommend!

  • en

    Cynthia Hedley


    I have always received friendly, professional, and efficient service from all the staff at Bridgens Dental Surgery. The warm and welcoming atmosphere makes visiting the dentist as pleasent as possible.

  • Stacey Walls

    Stacey Walls


    This was the best experience ive ever had at a dentist. Thank you so much for taking the time to take great care of me! Fantastic people skills... very professional and exceptionally kind and caring

  • en

    Beverley Winters


    “As a new patient, I walked up the stairs. I tried the door next to the glass window at the top of the stairs. May be a sign with an arrow to the right for the entrance. Was super happy with my experience. I joined this practice solely for the great teeth whitening deal. (Lumino in my home town did not offer the whitening deal). I had no intention to continue after the deal, BUT after the fabulous deal and service I received from the receptionist & the dentist, Imran, I am now going to travel from Whakatane to Te Puke for all my future dental needs, and will book my husband in for all his future dental needs. We both regularly see a hygienist, we have booked into see the hygienist before Christmas. I will highly recommended them to all my friends and family. Thanks to the team at Bridgens.

  • Ivan Munkedal

    Ivan Munkedal


    Very pleasant reception lady. Reasonable price. The dentists are very personable and painless. I could almost look forward to going to the dentist.

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