Central Court Motel Whangarei i Whangarei

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandCentral Court Motel Whangarei


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54, Otaika Road, 0110, Whangarei, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 800 990 000
internet side: centralcourt.co.nz
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Latitude: -35.73481, Longitude: 174.31044

kommentar 5

  • en

    PIES Peaupavaha


    The host/manager was not accommodating. He just gave us the keys to our rooms and pointed to them. Didn't even make an effort to walk us to our rooms. He wasn't that helpful either. Nonetheless the rooms were small, tidy and clean and beds were comfortable to rest throughout the night. It was quiet too even though the motel was situated on the main State Highway 1 and location is convenient to everything you need.

  • Sharon Adams

    Sharon Adams


    Even though we only stayed for one night we were very impressed with the unit we stayed in and for the price we paid was worth every cent. The only thing that peed us off was the other guests parking in our space after we got back from our day. It was too late at night to find out who it was so we had to park down the front of the hotel because the parking was full. Other than that thankyou for your hospitality

  • Surya Van Lierde

    Surya Van Lierde


    + nice clean room + stove top and cooking gear in the room + lots of TV channels, including premium - no AC

  • Michael Lerner

    Michael Lerner


    The rooms are nice. The only issue is the only way to get airflow is leaving your door open but other than that it was a good motel. The staff was nice.

  • en



    We have been fully satisfied with the accommodation provided by Central Court Motel to us during the two nights we spent there. Staff were kind and friendly. Cleanliness was exceptional. WiFi was working seamlessly and we were able to talk to our family in Tasmania and Italy without any difficulties whatsoever. Excellent value for money. We would recommend it to others by all means. Gave 4 stars cause we haven't made use of either the spa or the swimming pool and couldn't comment on that.

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