Columbus Coffee Ellerslie i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandColumbus Coffee Ellerslie



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139, Main Highway, 1051, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-580 0501
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Latitude: -36.8984898, Longitude: 174.8107559

kommentar 5

  • Codie Vincent

    Codie Vincent


    I had breakfast here earlier this morning before a meeting. It was ok, nothing special, from all the cafes I've been too in Auckland these guys have a long way to go. Style, taste, pricing - it's lacking

  • Carolyn Murray

    Carolyn Murray


    We visited Columbus Cafe at Ellerslie about three weeks ago. Lovely atmosphere, good table service, food very disappointing and basic. When asked at the till how we found the lunch, we were honest and the manager seemed totally uninterested to the point of being rude. We asked to see the receipt before we paid and he refused saying we could see the receipt after we paid. Would not recommend going here as there are more enjoyable and hospitable options in Ellerslie.

  • carlin owen

    carlin owen


    Friendly staff great coffee and the muffins were still warm!!

  • Ayan Nelisi

    Ayan Nelisi


    Always come here when I'm home great vibe and warmth although the food seems to be loosing it's good looks... didn't wow us nor does it taste how we remember

  • Sophie Noonan

    Sophie Noonan


    Food is really nice, and coffee is always made perfectly :)

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