Coronation Park i Ashburton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandCoronation Park


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780 East Street, Netherby, Ashburton 7700, Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 3-308 6603
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Latitude: -43.89606, Longitude: 171.760993

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jodie music i love


    Love it great place to stay

  • en

    Alex Kane


    Very clean and lots of space. Friendly staff and not too far from some local amenities.

  • John Russell

    John Russell


    Frequently stay here. Good proximity to town - walking distance, so close to all amenities. I have a powered site. Combination of hard and soft pads. Hard pads have no shade in the centre strip. Good size kitchen. No dedicated TV lounge but there is a tv in the kitchen.Toilet and shower block neat and tidy - although cleaners were in there at 9am cleaning when I wanted to finish my prep for departure. Decent size pool - lacks shade. BBQ area. Laundry on site takes tokens. There are ample other accommodation options. This park has permanent vans on site. WIFI is available.

  • en

    Janelle King


    We stayed one night with our friends in a two bedroom unit and it was excellent.

  • Ripeka Kennedy

    Ripeka Kennedy


    Stayed with family for 2 nights, comfortable rooms warmed with heat pump, kids loved the playground

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