Dorset House Backpackers Hostel i Christchurch

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandDorset House Backpackers Hostel



🕗 åbningstider

1, Dorset Street, 8013, Christchurch, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-366 8268
internet side:
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Latitude: -43.5227035, Longitude: 172.6273691

kommentar 5

  • en

    J. Birdhouse


    The super friendly staff is doing a great job! Familiar atmosphere, nice located. The best hostel I‘ve stayed in NZ. Highly recommended!

  • jocelyn palmer

    jocelyn palmer


    Great place to stay,handy to city centre,clean comfortable rooms,bathrooms very near,just across from our room.And much cheaper compared to staying at a Motel.Ilbe back.

  • en

    Jonas Leichsenring


    awesome hostel, stayed twice because of a detour we took due to cyclone gita. clean rooms and bathrooms, friendly and helpful staff and great location!

  • Hope



    I thought it was a bit underhanded they told me there was "assured" parking when there's not. Only 5 parks for the whole hostel so i couldn't take my car out in case i lost my place. Also was given a room that had no windows to outside so It was impossible to breathe all night unless I opened my window to the drunken people in the corridor. $80 for the room I stayed in is a BIT excessive but that's NZ I guess.

  • Katie Cox

    Katie Cox


    Clean, quiet and has everything you need. No bunk beds which I appreciated. Not a very social vibe but a nice place to stay

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