Edward Leung Dental Surgery i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandEdward Leung Dental Surgery



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128, Featherston Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 4-472 2626
internet side: www.edwardleung.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.282611, Longitude: 174.777278

kommentar 5

  • en

    A Su


    Went with parent who was in TERRIBLE PAIN due to over brushing, with possible inflammation. Edward said it was gingivitis causing loose teeth and sensitivity, BRUSH with Sensodyne. DIDN'T LISTEN TO CONCERNS, DIDN'T ASK PATIENT HISTORY!!! No interpersonal skills! Patient; a Diabetic, had a scale/clean while flying through Australia previous week, was aware teeth situation. Edward didn't recommend how to treat immediate pain! Called another dentist surgery described situation, was recommended salt rinses and nurfen to help with immediate pain and made appointment for following day.

  • en

    Paul Shelestovich


    Asked if they can fix my broken tooth - Edward viewed and said it's impossible to do anything with it, even crown won't help. Luckily I wend to another place and they fixed it quickly and professionally, all good for more than a year already

  • en

    Kelly Te Heuheu


    Visited to receive an intensive clean, xrays and polish (using a voucher from Grabone). I didn't expect that I would receive the full works with a voucher but I at least expected a certain level of customer service. Edward was rude, grumpy and cold. He got angry at me when my mouth closed slightly (by accident) and after giving me x-rays he gave me no information about his analysis. He rushed through the clean, did not do the polish and was very rough. The most talking he did was telling me how much it was going to cost to get my teeth fixed. Because he was so unfriendly, I decided to fork out money and try somewhere else. I'm glad I did, because not only do I have a wonderful and friendly dentist now, at Symes De Silva but I was quoted 50% less than what Edward quoted.

  • Jamie Statham

    Jamie Statham


    Had a root canal and crown done by Edward. He made the whole experience very relaxing and stress free for me. I was able to call up at 7:30am and I was in there by 9:30am. Edward is efficient and reasonably priced, will definitely be back and definitely recommend.

  • Roland Oldengarm

    Roland Oldengarm


    Initially pretty happy, but turned out that the filling wasn't done properly. Got loose after just 2 months, causing problems and pain. Could even have been that the loose part was there since the start. Fixed at a different dentist, feels much better now. Also didn't like the fact he recommended a crown plus root canal without any infection yet.

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