Gateway Motor Inn i Solway, Masterton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandGateway Motor Inn



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290, High Street, 5810, Solway, Masterton, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-378 8795
internet side:
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Latitude: -40.9622437, Longitude: 175.6165795

kommentar 5

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    John Wilson


    We wouldn't stay anywhere else in the Wairarapa than the Gateway. Luxury large rooms for an affordable price. Super clean and best of all a fantastic strong shower. We've been used to staying at the Copthorne up the road but in comparison these rooms were much larger and much more modern. WiFi was just fine and not complex like some to jump on. The host, Tushna was so very pleasant and charming. All in all a very pleasant stay and we'll be back for sure.

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    Cleona Hughes


    So clean. Lovely lay out. We enjoyed our stay. Will definitely book again if we come back to town. Thank you

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    beth cole


    Really lovely place! Excellent customer service, nothing is too much hassle. Great experience here would definitely recommend it.

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    mohamed osman


    Fantastic example of what motel stays should be! The room was spacious, clean and comfortable. The front desk staff were friendly and very helpful .

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    keegan platten


    Fantastic! The hotel manager could have been more helpful. Very accommodating and eager to assist us with any and all of our queries. Would definitely stay here again.

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