Grosvenor Motor Inn i Hamilton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandGrosvenor Motor Inn



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165, Ulster Street, 3240, Hamilton, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 7-838 3399
internet side:
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Latitude: -37.7783105, Longitude: 175.2715391

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michelle Hailwood


    Little outdated. But bed was clean spa bath dated but worked well. Decent stay for decent price. Would return. Should be awesome once refurbishment is done

  • Cheryl Kearns

    Cheryl Kearns


    Very old and tired rooms and appliances. Bed linen clean but not kitchen. No cleaning supplies.

  • Vinny Rattan

    Vinny Rattan


    Was livable because this was our only choice but the up keep is not very good, shower curtains had mold on it , window held in by tape,furnishing all mangled , chunks of dust on ceiling fan ,paint missing in bathroom ceiling, ceiling fan did not work what so ever which had no sign on the switch so we tried to turn it on and it threw sparks which is very dangerous and room lost power. Swimming pool had dead bugs in it and really big crickets around the pool with unfinished paint , not very nice to see all this stuff as you pay money regardless

  • cs

    Marie Kuldová


    Nic moc, nejlepší léta už má za sebou. Koupelna podprůměrná. Koberec pokecaný, první den chyběly ručníky a platbu si strhli 2x, i když se přišli sami omluvit. Já sama bych ho nedoporučovala.

  • David Byrne

    David Byrne


    Spent the night in room 14. It’s upstairs directly next to the owners unit, and directly beneath their illegal dwelling. We had a massive 6 hours to get sleep before our airport transfer, and managed to get a grand total of 3 hours as someone was either getting lucky upstairs, or decided that 12am to 3am was the time of night to run an aerobics class. Bed was old and uncomfortable, pillows had little left in them and only 2 per room so we had to supplement them with our own clothing. Decor is WELL past it’s prime. Lights do not work above the bed. Bathroom was straight out of a 90s police murder film. At check in we got a bollocking for asking if we could leave our bags at the motel until the room was ready, although we did get permission over the phone for exactly that since we were only in town for the 7s and couldn’t take our luggage there. Wifi was so slow, we decided to disconnect and just use the mobile data. Overall a terrible experience.

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