Heritage Queenstown i Queenstown

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New ZealandHeritage Queenstown



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91, Fernhill Road, 9300, Queenstown, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-450 1500
internet side: www.heritagehotels.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -45.037823, Longitude: 168.642004

kommentar 5




    Very high standard. Great views of lake Wakatipu. Staff are super helpful.

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    Jodz R


    The pictures on the web mislead the appearance of this hotel. Its much older than it appears and needs renovating, especially the carpet which was stained and the appliances which are very out dated. The lake view room has amazing views however we could not get past the interior of the hotel.

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    Wedding anniversary away. My wife had not been to Queenstown before so I thought I’d surprise her. I wouldn’t call it “luxury”, it’s the small things that add up to a pretty average experience for the price. On arrival there was no warm friendly greeting that you would expect, but rather told to pay the bill upfront and an extra $50 deposit. I was asked if there was a special occasion, yup, our wedding anniversary; the response was “oh okay” (unlike The Hilton Taupo and Rydges Christchurch where we went for our anniversary for the last two years, they really went out of their way to make the occasion special throughout the whole stay). Good point. Brilliant view of the lake and The Remarkable’s, breakfast included in two night package, free covered car parking and restaurant / bar staff were professional and friendly. Small things. Room not serviced or replenished. Bar is dated with poor selection of beers. Hotel ordered taxi that overcharged a non metered “special” hotel rate that the taxi said the hotel had arranged. Just an average experience.

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    Sergio Melnychuk


    A fantastic experience from checking through to checkout, the staff, the service and the facilities were excellent, the only area that could use a refresher is the pool/spa and would be great if the hotel restaurant served seafood platters. Other than that, highly recommend. P.S. The view fromt he room was magic!

  • Fiona Bretherton

    Fiona Bretherton


    Richard and I had our wedding here last Saturday and it was amazing! Hayley (event planner) was so helpful and attentive..she made my day flow with ease. The food..staff and hospitality were excellent. Had the ceremony on the balcony with the backdrop of the mountains.. Wow!! I would highly recommend hacing your wedding here. Everyone had a great time. Well done Heritage Queenstown x

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