Hillside Hotel Hamilton i Hamilton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandHillside Hotel Hamilton



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State Highway 1, 3281, Hamilton, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 27 561 7777
internet side: www.hillsidehotel.co.nz
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Latitude: -37.594783, Longitude: 175.178461

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sonia Foote


    Extremely difficult to contact When I called they hung up on me No Website for any information Drove up to have dinner - turned away with minimal information but Restaurant Closed Poor customers service

  • en

    Nigel Pretty


    just great. quiet

  • en

    Monty Batchelor



  • Eduardo Scussiato

    Eduardo Scussiato


    Hotel was very nice. Our room was big, a lot of space, and all very clean. Staff were very nice, once I called to check if they have room available, they already turned on the heaters, and prepared the room for us, even before I confirmed the book. Also needed to print a document, and they helped with no charge. Please note the hotel is a bit far for Hamilton downtown but other than that is all good. Recommend.

  • en

    A Google User


    Excellent place. Quiet extensive, but great big rooms, wonderful views and really tranquil. It is a but an hour south of Auckland Int Airport and is perfect for unwinding after a long journey/flight. The food is top class and reasonable priced. Plus the breakfast room at the top has an outstanding 360 degrees view over the surrounding hills. Got to be one of the best places to have breakfast anywhere.

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