iif Chartered Accountants i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New Zealandiif Chartered Accountants



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Level 9, 57 Willis Street, Wellington, 6011, Neuseeland
kontakter telefon: +64 4-212 4977
internet side: www.iif.co.nz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -41.287767, Longitude: 174.775666

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maretta Twentyman


    Hamish and the team are everything you will ever need when it comes to accountants - friendly, professional, and looking out for your wider interests. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Andy Barker


    Hamish and his team are just outstanding. Not only are they going to make sure your tax is correct, their business expertise make them one of my trusted advisers on more than just tax.

  • en

    Sue Inkersell


    Hamish and the team at IIF are super knowledgeable, friendly and easy to deal with. We deal with many Accountants in our business and find these guys super "user-friendly". They are really interested in you and your business and you are not just a number. Highly recommended!!!!

  • Richard Horne

    Richard Horne


    I've known Hamish for some time through my business network, and I know some of his clients too. He's got a very creative approach to business accounting, and has an impressive range of systems for measuring financial performance. Hamish is definitely NOT a bean counter! I'd confidently recommend iif Chartered Accountants to anyone looking for a more progressive and advanced accounting service that can handle planning as well as the IRD and its tortuous tax regime.

  • Deb Clark

    Deb Clark


    Hamish and his team have looked after our accounts for a while now and we've always found them professional yet personable. They respond quickly and have outstanding knowledge and experience of all things money. They were recommended to us and we'd certainly pass on that recommendation to others.

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