Invercargill Airport i Invercargill

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandInvercargill Airport



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106, Airport Avenue, 9879, Invercargill, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 3-218 6920
internet side:
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Latitude: -46.4154609, Longitude: 168.3219184

kommentar 5

  • en

    Guy Clouth


    Airport is great. Man in the cafe has no idea of service

  • en

    ankur joshi


    Great domestic airport, but need aerobridge because of Southland weather! Always unpredictable during winter!

  • en

    Chris Heffernan


    last time i was here was 2015 just when they opened the refurbished terminal, as a regular visitor to IVC the new layout was alot better than the old-school "Mexican style airport" model complete with upgraded Cafe facilities and shop. No more having to walk into a separate room to collect your luggage.

  • Martin Raun

    Martin Raun


    To say it's terrible wouldn't quite be's really bad though.

  • Dillon Kirton

    Dillon Kirton


    One of the finest domestic Airports in New Zealand since it's refurbishing last year. It has a functional cafe open during the day and automatic boarding pass machines, where you just scan your e-ticket to acquire your passes. The bathrooms were very clean, and hand-drying methods were also above satisfactory. Only downside is you have to pay for more than 10 minutes of parking, unlike other airports which generously offer 20 free minutes.

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