JollyBikes Ltd i Thames

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandJollyBikes Ltd



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535, Pollen Street, 3500, Thames, NZ Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 7-867 9026
internet side:
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Latitude: -37.138485, Longitude: 175.541961

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jackie Leonard


    I rented out a bike (45 NZD) on a Saturday in mid October to cycle the Hauraki trail and was impressed by the genuine, kind and helpful customer service, the friendly woman in shop going out of her way to ensure I could return bike later in evening. Bikes well-maintained and in very good condition. Thank you for great service - enjoyed my day.

  • Steve Anderson

    Steve Anderson


    We wanted to pick our bikes up in Thames and return them in Te Aroha a few days later. This was easy to organise via email thanks to the helpful shop staff. Pick up cost us $100 which seemed a very fair cost to me. We were also given a 15% discount for hiring the bikes for 4 days. The bikes and panniers were very adequate for what we were doing and we had no problems. Thanks Jolly Bikes!

  • Brenda Burke

    Brenda Burke


    I have just bought myself a small sized Volvo cross 5 , I absolutely love it, I cycled 30 ks with ease, and could for the first time in my life keep up my cyclist husband whilst we cycled the hauraki rail trail, these bikes make cycling fun, thanks jolly bikes

  • Daniel John

    Daniel John


    One of the best experiences you'll ever have! (;

  • en

    Peter Ball


    Great service, great product, great people

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