Lambton Quay - Cable Car Station i Wellington

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New ZealandLambton Quay - Cable Car Station


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Wellington 6011, New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64
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Latitude: -41.2842116, Longitude: 174.7750914

kommentar 5

  • Rineet Subramanian

    Rineet Subramanian


    This is one end of the cable car ride, located at the base. From here, one can take the cable car up to Zealandia/Botanic Gardens to get a good view of Wellington. This cable car station has a waiting area. An adult return ticket costs $7.50 but we can get a discount with the snapper card.

  • Raviyn Julien

    Raviyn Julien


    Unique experience to climb the hill from the city to the botanic gardens, where you then get access directly to other attractions like Zealandia. Affordable pricing for what you get to see and where you end up at.

  • Jonas Kargren

    Jonas Kargren



  • Aaron Mitchell (UKwonderboy)

    Aaron Mitchell (UKwonderboy)


    Super good value and well worth taking a trip, if not just to see the botanical gardens which is a great place to chill for the day. You can use your snapper card as well so no need to queue!!!

  • Marc McCrory

    Marc McCrory


    Great view of city and great short ride to top and back

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