Lumino The Dentists: Burton & Brown Wellington i Wellington

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New ZealandLumino The Dentists: Burton & Brown Wellington



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40 Panama St, Harbour City Tower, Suite 601, Lvl 6,, Wellington, 6011, Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 4-472 1394
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.283911, Longitude: 174.77618

kommentar 5

  • Dave Isaacs

    Dave Isaacs


    Nobody likes a trip to the dentist let's be honest, but all my trips to Lumino Burton & Brown so far have been great. The staff are friendly, open to questions and give helpful feedback, and having to rearrange appointments due to work and illness has been no problem at all. Highly recommended.

  • Serge van Dam

    Serge van Dam


    Somehow, always on time, and super-professional. No one likes the dentist, but if you need to see one, this is the experience you want.

  • Mel Hodgkinson

    Mel Hodgkinson


    Andrew Brown is a great dentist and all-around nice guy. Friendly, gentle, caring and knows his stuff. Otilia the hygienist was gentle and thorough.

  • Dipti



    My dentist, Sophia was very knowledgeable and extremely friendly. I would definitely recommend Sophia to anyone looking for a dentist!

  • en

    Claudia Richards


    I am not a fan of dentists, but I feel very safe with Colleen. Her knowledge and passion for dentistry is great. She was explaining with great passion a study she had read on why some teeth are the way they are - distracting and interesting. :)

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