MatPDental i Paraparaumu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandMatPDental



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29, Rimutaka Street, 5032, Paraparaumu, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-298 8889
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Latitude: -40.912408, Longitude: 175.014824

kommentar 5

  • Annette Morgan

    Annette Morgan


    Staff at reception friendly and welcoming. I don't like "breaking in" a new dentist but Mat was funny, welcoming, had done his homework with my notes and offered options that I can consider. Great place!

  • Bev Booth

    Bev Booth


    Excellent service. I got an emergency appointment the day I rang. The ladies on the reception were friendly and helpful while remaining highly professional. The dentist, Maddie, made a thorough examination and gave me detailed options, explaining the pro's and cons for each one. She dealt with my pain in my tooth temporarily whilst I can get the full treatment - first time of being pain free in nearly 2 weeks, something my regular dentist wasn't able to do. Will definitely return here. Thank you.

  • Nikki Wet

    Nikki Wet


    The mole at reception is nothing but rude I travel a long wat to see Matt p and yet I get a cold reception from her (the fat one) needs to brush up on her people skills I think and learn some damn manners ur only a receptionist it's not hard lady! Won't be going back their again one star only because I had to put one to tell my story

  • Michelle von Keisenberg

    Michelle von Keisenberg


    Finally after years of visiting serious dentists....I've found a funny one! Mat totally puts you at ease with his sense of humour and he's great at explaining exactly what he's doing, the whole time you're in the chair. Great prices, great staff team. My husband and I would both highly recommend Mat P Dental.

  • Shirley Simpson

    Shirley Simpson


    Both my husband and I have had extensive dental work done by Matt. Whether making an appointment or actually having treatment the staff were all very friendly and nothing was ever too much trouble. I would thoroughly recommend Matt and the team for any dental work.

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