Meridian General i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandMeridian General


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The Grand Annex, Level 10, 84 Boulcott St, Wellington, 6011, Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 4-974 6860
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Latitude: -41.286369, Longitude: 174.774953

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maretta Twentyman


    Bernie and his team are superb - professional, knowledgeable and really fight in their client's corner. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Andy Barker


    The team at Meridian General are just outstanding. After sitting with them for half an hour, I found that my cover was not in place correctly and they put together a plan to resolve this. Highly recommend getting them to review your insurance.

  • en

    Raewyn Ng


    Bernie and the team at Meridian have a wealth of knowledge and experience to ensure your business insurance needs are well looked after. Totally recommend.

  • Iselde de Boam

    Iselde de Boam


    The team at Meridian General helped me identify the risks I faced in business and when it came time to deal with earthquake fall-out they were there to provide that initial sense of back-up. The work they put in took such a weight off my mind and allowed me to get on with keeping the business afloat. I honestly believe I wouldn't have had such a good outcome from my policy if I'd had to navigate my way through that experience on my own, with all the other things demanding my attention at that time. Thank you all!!

  • Richard Horne

    Richard Horne


    Bernie, Mark, Deb and Tamara are a fantastic specialist team that have stepped me through many insurance hoops and helped put our company on a strong and protected footing. Their advice and attention to detail in all my dealings with them has been first class.

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