Mexicali Fresh Mount Maunganui w Tauranga

Nowa ZelandiaMexicali Fresh Mount Maunganui



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203, Maunganui Road, 3116, Tauranga, NZ Neuseeland
kontakt telefon: +64 7-975 0960
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Latitude: -37.6392734, Longitude: 176.1841016

komentarze 5

  • Heidi Douglas

    Heidi Douglas


    My favorite lunch spot in the Mount. I'm not a vegan, however I have fallen in love with their Jack Fruit tacos! Everything is good though.

  • Prasiddhi Munoth

    Prasiddhi Munoth


    I love mexican food and would once in a while used to go to mexicali to feed my cravings and they were pretty good. But last couple of times the meals have been pretty below average. Especially today, when I went in, I greeted the guy at the counter but did not get any reply, the guy did not bother to even ask for what all would I would like to add to my meal. It was a takeaway meal, which was bland and a shocker for the quality and quantity. Never coming back until they up there game.

  • Cameron Forlong

    Cameron Forlong


    Awesome food, exactly what I expected from Mexicali having eaten there heaps when I lived in Auckland. Looking forward to being a regular now that we live here in Tauranga! Definitely check it out when you are in the Mount!

  • en

    Aaron Livingston


    The food is really really good!! Highly recommend a fresh taco salad. Definitely worth a visit if you are in the Mount.

  • Aaron Long

    Aaron Long


    Food is good. Owner is the man. But guess as we have been going from the start and have seen their portion/meat sizes get smaller and smaller for the same price.

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