Micro Computers and Electronics w Tauranga

Nowa ZelandiaMicro Computers and Electronics



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586d, Cameron Road, 3110, Tauranga, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakt telefon: +64 7-577 9743
strona internetowej: www.microcomputers.co.nz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -37.699473, Longitude: 176.158374

komentarze 5

  • Aaron Hoffman

    Aaron Hoffman


    Visited the manurewa branch, was served by rabul customer service is excellent. I had a phone turn faulty. He took it back after three months with the manufacturer not honoring repair and allowed selection of a new device. Best around for resolutions very happy to have shopped here.

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    Ruby Dot


    I had a screen replacement done here and upon getting the screen replacement the camera somehow stopped working. I took my phone in a month later as I'd been busy to see if they could help out. I left them with the phone for over an hour and came back to being told that they'd need to order in replacement parts and that it had nothing to do with them. I then took my phone to another company who fixed my camera issues in 15 minutes for a low cost with no new parts. The issues were related to connection issues which shows that Micro Computers and Electronics were liable for my broken camera. They must have knocked the connection points on the camera when fixing my screen. I don't have an issue with them accidentally mucking up connection parts but I do have an issue with the fact that they could not asses this issue or own up to it being related to them. They also were going to charge me for new parts which were unnecessary in the first place. Do not recommend this business.

  • Alisdair Boyd

    Alisdair Boyd


    Very happy with the service of replacing my iPhone 5 battery, fair price and job was done in good time. Definitely recommend to others requiring phone or computer repairs.

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    james smith


    Beware of dealing with this company. My initial experience was good, fast turn around of a new screen on my iphone. They told me of their 2 month warranty, when I asked what paperwork I needed they said nothing because i had the receipt. The new screen had dead spots at the bottom edges and severe lag typing texts which I identified quickly. I called and reported it the next day and was told to bring it in anytime, it would be covered by the 1 month warranty (unless there was liquid damage, they made sure to tell me) I was unable to get it there for 5 weeks but whilst the faults were very annoying, I could still use the phone so I didn't rush. Stupid me. In that time a hairline crack appeared at the top of the screen, I did not drop the phone and it was always carried in the pocket in my bag, same as I had for the previous 18 months of usage. I do not know how the crack appeared but it was nowhere near the dead spots on the screen so I wasn't concerned. As a note, I've now seen other reviews too saying the same crack issue happened to a replaced screen. Of course, no surprise, manprit says this crack means I have damaged the phone and warranty is void. Despite having a record of my reporting the fault (which is nowhere near the crack) within 24 hrs. And despite consumer rights under New Zealand consumer law where we are entitled to protection if goods supplied are not fit for purpose REGARDLESS of their 'warranty'. They charged me to replace the screen again and the new screen is great. It works fine. The fact the new one works fine proves the first one they fitted was faulty but now it’s their word against mine and I have no way to prove my story. I trusted them and the work they charge a lot of money for. Surely it's possible the crack was a result of a faulty (refurbished) part? But how can I prove that I didn't crack it or that the crack there appeared after the fault? I can't. So I'm stuck. So much for consumer rights, being sold a part that isn't fit for purpose is one thing but proving it is another. I don't dispute there was a crack, I dispute that I caused it or that it caused the fault I had with their replacement screen. The only guy works there is the person who fixed my phone so i have no where to complain about. I post this not because I think the company will do anything to make good on this. Buyer beware. If you have a warranty issue, wrap your phone in cotton wool in a waterproof bag and hurry in asap to give them the least possible chance of wiggling out of the warranty they are so proud to offer but don't seem to stand behind. Also they do not have price listed in much of their stuff and whilist i was in the shop 2 different customers were told 2 different prices. Beware of this dodge guy.

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    amber kingi


    great service and got my phone fixed from them , very friendly staff and quick service . life saver

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