Mobil i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandMobil



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245, Karori Road, 6012, Wellington, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 4-476 6060
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.2846544, Longitude: 174.7380496

kommentar 5

  • Paul Ramon

    Paul Ramon


    The young Indian man at the post office counter is super rude - often conducting the entire transaction in silence, no hello, no thank you, nothing. The other guys I’ve dealt with are friendly and have an actual understanding of customer service! Pity one bad apple is letting the side down.

  • en

    Grand Canyon


    Mixed quality service, some nice, some not so nice. I mainly use the Post Shop. Since the post office closed, mail delivery hadn't been as good. When having their good days, the staff behind the counter are nice. However, when approached abt issues like lost mail, they're not so nice. They get a bit defensive & tell you, it's not their problem & to call their main mail HQ. I've lost so many overseas parcels (not courier) despite filling out a form and requesting their posties don't leave parcels outside the front door. One or two have been good, making an effort to walk a few steps to our covered back porch, the rest however, just toss it wherever it's convenient for them. I found 2 parcels covered with rained on dirt. I asked for a better option (w/c won't cost an arm & a leg) but they didn't give me one. Online forums suggests either parcels are getting stolen by passersby or the posties themselves aren't delivering them.

  • David Rigby

    David Rigby


    I've drunk a lot of petrol in my time. Some good, a lot bad, some legendary. This Mobil Service Station falls into the last category. I get both flagons filled with 91 every morning.

  • en

    Leini Palu


    Poor customer service! Ben, the guy behind the desk made me pay an extra $42 due to HIS unexplainable actions. I'm not sure how you hire your staff but you should make sure they know how to key in the right amount of $$, petrol and understand English 😄 If I did not stop and let the gas over flow to God knows how much he put in, you would've lost a lot of money. He is lucky I am a truthful person :) Hopefully this does not happen to anyone else. Take action management team and train your staff.

  • Jos KS

    Jos KS


    Visited the store on a cold windy morning while waiting for bus.. Had a nice hot coffee served with cheerful and courteous attended.. The chat ensued added more warmth.. Very good service..

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