New Plymouth TOP 10 Holiday Park i New Plymouth

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New ZealandNew Plymouth TOP 10 Holiday Park



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29, Princes Street, 4312, New Plymouth, NZ Nowa Zelandia
kontakter telefon: +64 6-758 2566
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Latitude: -39.04664, Longitude: 174.107391

kommentar 5

  • en

    Warren Lewthwaite


    This is a very good camping ground but the studio unit I had was getting a bit tired and needed a refurbish. On the expensive side for its condition.

  • sun yoon

    sun yoon


    It is a nice and cozy place. A great city.

  • en

    Jeremy Graham


    Very expensive for what you get. Every other top ten holiday 100 times better an cheaper. You can stay at nice modern motels for alot cheaper, the cooking utensils are minimal, the.beds are very uncomfortable, no soap, sauna prices are ridiculous for the price you are paying for the tiny room with just one double bed an a TV, rec room is nothing special, WiFi an internet access is ridiculously expensive an TV channel selection is minimal, there are many motels in New Plymouth that are way cheaper an you get a whole room with 2 double.beds an a dining area with sky TV with 40 channels free spa an saunas an enough room to actually entertain a family in the room not like top ten where there's barely enough room to walk.around in, would never go back an have advised all my family that is traveling down for a family reunion not to go there ever. Sorry top ten I'm a nice guy but I travel every week for my in my 30 years or staying in holiday parks this has been by far the worst ever. Please don't take this the wrong.way but take it as a wake up call that you need to change alot to compete in todays accommodation market because to be honest I would be ashamed of what you are doing, the staff is friendly and nice so I'm sure you can turn it around but after staying in 2 different holiday parks/ motels for work as I travel constantly every week for the last 20- 30 odd years which is around a 100 stays a year around new Zealand this place is honestly the.worst an I only say that to give you a wake up call that it is very bad but there is alot of potential. Cheers, hope to see you do weel in the future

  • de

    Andrea Kraft


    Sehr gepflegt. Zu wenig Sitzgelegenheiten für Camper im Freien

  • Rafał Żurmanowicz

    Rafał Żurmanowicz


    Fajna miejscówka. Czyste i zadbane prysznice.

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