New World i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandNew World



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236, Karori Road, 6012, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-476 0710
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.2842565, Longitude: 174.7380524

kommentar 5

  • en

    lm2915 jb


    Fast service and very helpful

  • Gerald Stevenson Galvin

    Gerald Stevenson Galvin


    Helpful staff. Good range of food and drink.

  • en

    Gill Burns


    Nice helpful staff and pleasant decor. But bigger City New Worlds will always have a wider product range.

  • R P

    R P


    A compact supermarket with a community feel - it's clear that the owners put 100% into the supermarket, and their staff are always so friendly and offering to help even if not asked. Decent gluten free items in stock too.

  • en

    Kevin Ellison


    There was a sign saying free fruit while you shopped so i got to the checkout and asked is it okay to eat a banana and was told no only for children. That's okay then so I said I wanted the two banana I had , but two help out customers you better put that on your sign and make it bold. Checkout operator I just work here mmmmm if you don't like the job that much find one you do like, just no customer service these days.

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