New World Silverstream i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandNew World Silverstream



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28, Whitemans Road, 5019, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-528 2529
internet side:
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Latitude: -41.1485653, Longitude: 175.0118333

kommentar 5

  • Vicki Amai

    Vicki Amai


    So lvly this place. Did collecting for our church out front of doors. The supermarket was getting painted and wood glossed. Looking so good.

  • Gerard McCall

    Gerard McCall


    Small in respects to Supermarket but it had what I needed. Very pleasant young lady on the express checkout who, with her technicolor hair, was happy and conversant and happy to answer a query for me. 👍🏼

  • Lorraine Gordon

    Lorraine Gordon


    New World us the perfect place to do the grocery shopping. It's a nice clean shop with pleasant staff and a happy atmosphere.

  • Adrienne Luey

    Adrienne Luey


    Checkout was fast and efficient. However customer interaction was limited to "have a nice day" no greeting nor conversation was attempted. Staff didn't acknowledge me in any part of the store. Very clean tidy and staff make a good job of facing up stock. Easy to shop.

  • Fabio Elia Locatelli

    Fabio Elia Locatelli


    This is a small, yet very good store. Perhaps one of the easiest to browse, thanks to its short aisles. Located on the main road, not far from the train station, almost impossible to miss.

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