No 1 Motels on Victoria i Cambridge

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New ZealandNo 1 Motels on Victoria



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89, Victoria Street, 3434, Cambridge, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 7-823 1467
internet side:
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Latitude: -37.8910398, Longitude: 175.4667982

kommentar 5

  • Lily Lamble

    Lily Lamble


    Very lovely motel. They have free breakfast and everything you need. Recommend

  • 赖政同



    The room is OK but is near the sea, you can go there about 2 min

  • Steve Sanderson

    Steve Sanderson


    One of the best Motels we used over here clean and staff very helpful

  • en

    Jennifer Chesbrough


    Nice, clean, and tidy place. Comfortable beds. Pleasant staff

  • Leila Rahil

    Leila Rahil


    Was not sure what to expect of this place, but the room was adequate for the price, the beds were comfy, and the in-suite bathroom was clean! I also appreciated having a mini-fridge, electric kettle, and selection of tea/instant coffee in the room. The electric towel warmer was a nice bonus as well. My only gripe was I think there was a restaurant of some sort that was blaring music w/palpable bass until pretty late into the evening. The communal kitchen and included continental breakfast was nice and had it not been raining it would have been great to enjoy the balcony. Wifi was a bit on the slow side, but quite functional and I appreciated it was included.

nærmeste Skønhedssalon

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