Oceanside Resort & Twin Towers w Mount Maunganui, Tauranga

Nowa ZelandiaOceanside Resort & Twin Towers



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1 Maunganui Rd, Mount Maunganui, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga 3116, New Zealand
kontakt telefon: +64 7-575 5371
strona internetowej: www.oceanside.co.nz
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -37.632209, Longitude: 176.176881

komentarze 5

  • Frank Mair

    Frank Mair


    Best place to stay when you are at the Mount! You are across the road from the hotpools, the Mount and the beach, in roomy self service apartments, and with its own swimming and spa area.

  • Michael Edwards

    Michael Edwards


    A fantastic location right next to the Mount. The hotel is a little tired although the staff were friendly and helpful and the rooms large. Bathroom was a little basic but clean and functional. The pool was not large and was packed with kids when we went to use it (we went to the beach instead). For a short stay this is a great value option.

  • en

    Rainy Day


    Advertised as if it's in twin towers but in fact it is a low level building behind it ayway where we got our room. The room was big and spacy , although there was an ant problem all over the kitchen space. There was a small stain in one of the sheets looked like blood from a cut. The room had no air conditioning just a standing fan. There was a pool near the room. Breakfast was not included. 2 people around 190 $NZ.

  • Stacey Boyd

    Stacey Boyd


    Great location across from the beach. Walking distance to a few restaurants. Staff was very friendly.

  • en

    Denise Cummins


    Fabulous Apartment. Really pleasant staff. Absolutely the most perfect location in Mount Manganui

najbliższy Kwatera

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