Palms Motel Nelson i Nelson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandPalms Motel Nelson


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5, Paru Paru Road, 7010, Nelson, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-546 7770
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Latitude: -41.270323, Longitude: 173.280884

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bede Browne


    I was transporting people from Christchurch to Nelson & return overnite & my boss put me & 5 other drivers @ the Palm motel. We arrived quite early on a Saturday morning & an arranged breakfast was delivered to each of our rooms & it was just what the stomach needed. Big double bed & a single, telly & a fantastic shower. As we needed to sleep during the day, well there was very little road noise & the motels other customers were very quiet as well. This place ticked all my boxes & I would not hesitate to recommend this place to anyone. By the way if staying for a while Countdown have a big shop across the road 😎

  • camilo andres martinez gutierrez

    camilo andres martinez gutierrez


    In the downtown close every place you want to enjoy. A great quiet place where you can plan some outdoor activities. You can practice some sports with no high cost and you can enjoy the nature as well.

  • Samuel Bell

    Samuel Bell


    Clean and well sized room. Located in central Nelson, it was very easy to venture out for dinner etc. Would definitely stay here again.

  • en

    Nina Alghero


    Tidy, clean and modern place. We stayed for 1 night only. 2 mins walk from the city center with lots of cafes, restaurants and shops. Huge supermarket is just across the street.

  • en

    David Garcia


    Has everything you need to be self sufficient. Spacious room. High end toiletries. Small pool. Friendly helpful staff. WiFi better than most but regularly dropped out. Overall recommended.

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