Pandoro Panetteria i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandPandoro Panetteria



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14, Woodward Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-472 5223
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Latitude: -41.2819938, Longitude: 174.7751094

kommentar 5

  • Nitesh Gautam

    Nitesh Gautam


    . (03/2018) An awesome cafe located near the end of Woodward Street. Convenient location and easily accessible. Well managed, organised and maintained. Awesome ambiance and cozy atmosphere. Spacious and comfortable although limited seating. Cheerful and welcoming staff. Well timed service with a smile. Tasty and freshly prepared beverages and edibles can be enjoyed at this cafe. Good presentation. Table service. There is good variety of cakes and they are delicious. Pity that the choice is limited to only one for those looking for a vegan or eggless cake. Card as well as cash payments are accepted. Paywave facility isn't available at this location. Good for groups, celebrations, family, kids and catch-ups. Normally busy during peak hours, opens early in the morning and closes down early in the evening. Outdoor seating is not available. Entrance is not wheelchair accessible. Parking is available over Lambton Quay at other end of the road. Restrooms are available at this location. ...................................... (10/2017) Nice little cafe near Lambton eatery. Cheerful staff and quick service. Normally busy during morning. Good ambiance. Limited seating available inside. Good for quick visits.

  • Jenni Lynch

    Jenni Lynch


    Croissant tasted cheap and stale.

  • Lestat



    I have only been here once and everything was perfect. For some reason I never went back in spite of an excellent experience

  • Jan W

    Jan W


    Lovely coffee, beautiful pineapple and Brazil nut cake. Nicest coffee we found after 3 days in Wellington. Music was a bit loud though but definitely go back next visit to Wellington

  • Michael Brown

    Michael Brown


    Great food, great coffee. Staff not so good on the day we stopped by. Dirty tables and unprofessional banter behind the counter. Terrible music.

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