Quest New Plymouth i North Island

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandQuest New Plymouth


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21, Currie Street, 4601, North Island, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-758 5483
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Latitude: -39.0570447, Longitude: 174.0740848

kommentar 5

  • Alex Rivas

    Alex Rivas


    Accommodation is of a very high standard. There is an option to request rooms with a washing machine and dryer. Rooms have kitchenettes. There is a gas BBQ / Griller upstairs on the terrace for use by guests. Wi- fi connection speeds are excellent and complimentary with room. Charge back available from many quality restaurant and cafes within the New Plymouth CBD.

  • en

    Marion Thompson


    Impressed by the little kitchen and amenities provided, cleanliness, central location, all at a competitive rate. Great value.

  • en

    irene yeung


    Clean & basic. A bit dated. Feels like you're sleeping in an old office building (check out the air con unit). Good location.

  • Vedanth Maharaj

    Vedanth Maharaj


    Great location in the middle of town. The reception staff were very accommodating considering we unexpectedly checked in late. The room is spacious and comfortable.

  • prashant S

    prashant S


    This place has a homely feel. The Manager and the housekeeping staff are really helpful and make you feel at home. Stayed here for 2 weeks and have no complaints. The room is tidy with all appliances that one would usually need. You can also go to city fitness for Gymming

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