Redhill Restaurant i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandRedhill Restaurant



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119 Manners Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-385 6888
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Latitude: -41.2918249, Longitude: 174.7779553

kommentar 5

  • Saurabh Sood

    Saurabh Sood


    Its was hot pot buffet ... soup it self was nice ... service was a big let down... 60%of buffet items listed on menu were not available... and no one bothered to tell...service staff were pathetic.. no idea of whts happening at all... in easy words BIG No specially not the buffet hotpot 28$/person. Not worth it

  • en

    Jieqiong Xue


    This is a very nice restaurant. Hot pot and other dishes are very delicious. And also the nice service.

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    Shanshan Yong


    Hot pot is really good .This is a very comfortable place to eat. The buffet has many cuisines to choose from. Refreshing dinks, plenty of food, and the wait staff was very friendly and efficient. A great place for the whole family. Make sure that you make a reservation, because if you don't you will wait for hours for a table to open. Reservations must be at least 24 hours in advance. There is no pressure to finish quickly and give up your table. This restaurant has something for everyone from the vegan, the vegetarian.

  • en

    Erin Huang


    great food,resonable price. The food was delicious. The service lovely and the portions incredible generous.will come again next time .

  • Sheryl Ma

    Sheryl Ma


    The fish in chili oil is delicious! And the service is quite good as well. I'll come back again.

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