Relax a Lodge - BBH i Kerikeri

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandRelax a Lodge - BBH



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1574, Springbank Road, 0293, Kerikeri, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-407 6989
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Latitude: -35.243025, Longitude: 173.924753

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dirk Maas


    Wonderful cabins between the orange trees with chickens wandering around. Relaxing!

  • Pedro Galindo

    Pedro Galindo


    Relax a lodge speaks for itself... close to Keri keri airport and able to drive anywhere in the north. Just hope you have a sunny day...

  • Tommi Partanen

    Tommi Partanen


    Very cozy, warm, clean and affordable place. Friendly staff and dog. :) Definitely your place if you like to stay in a community type of accommodation and like animals.

  • en

    Gareth Ahern


    5 min drive from Kerikeri. Cute bedroom with access to a large living area, well stocked kitchen, outdoor area and swimming pool. The owners have a dog, it seems pretty old and doesn't jump all over you.

  • en

    Hannah Berry


    Lovely place set in beautiful orange orchards. Very peaceful and quiet. Not much info on arrival and we kind of felt like we were intruding into a family home so didn't use the communal areas. Rooms nicely finished and the facilities were clean.

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