Scent Floral Boutique i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandScent Floral Boutique



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45, Johnston Street, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-499 9040
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Latitude: -41.2827712, Longitude: 174.7763757

kommentar 5

  • Gina McLean

    Gina McLean


    Good service but a bit disappointed at the size of the petite flowers for the amount paid

  • samantha sakthivel

    samantha sakthivel


    I ordered some flowers for my brother and sister in laws 10th wedding aniversary. I ordered the feminine beauty Grande $85. In the picture online the bunch of flowers had so many flowers and the bunch my sister picked up had so many green leaves and green bits. Was so disappointed. It could be maybe as I ordered from overseas and they thought I would never see the flowers. And when I called to get invoice emailed... and told them the dissappintement in the flowers... they didn't even acknowledge my complaint and just took my details so they can send me the tax invoice. 🙄😪.

  • Marchesse Erices

    Marchesse Erices


    Ordered corsage and boutonniere, lovely costumer experience although didn't get what we would have liked. Our roses were already dying by the time we were placing it on each other. Boutonniere rose pedal was falling before we even started.

  • Chloe Hill

    Chloe Hill


    Such a beautiful florist with a lovely team.

  • Jennifer Oakley

    Jennifer Oakley


    I live in the US and made my order during quarantine -- all other florists had stopped taking orders days before Mother's Day. Scent Floral Boutique delivered flowers within hours of my order, and upon seeing pictures, I was assured they were stunning and perfectly packaged. Highly recommend. Easy process, fair price, lovely flowers.

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