SKYCITY Grand Hotel i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandSKYCITY Grand Hotel



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90, Federal Street, 1010, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-363 6000
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Latitude: -36.849504, Longitude: 174.762276

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mel M


    We really enjoyed our weekend stay. Nice modern bathroom, comfortable beds, great view from our suite on the 21st floor. Hotel is in the heart of the city, excellent facilities incl access to the casino across the walkway. Very friendly & professional staff available to assist on the front desk 24/7.

  • Ross Stainlay

    Ross Stainlay


    Fine hotel..lots of foreign visitors ( Chinese with spare cash for the Casino). Good location with very comfortable beds. Lots of reasons to recommend this one

  • Andy Woon

    Andy Woon


    You are in the center of CBD centre business district all within walking distance. Take the lift to level 5 walk across sky bridge over to Sky City hotel where Casino awaiting for you to try your luck!!!! Good strategic location all dinning from all types and shopping areas within your reach. Thumb up -:) 😍😍

  • en

    Debbie Martin


    Stayed last night had an amazing time.The staff were extremely welcoming and helpful.The hotel is out of this world. We stayed on the 21st floor and the views were spectacular apart from feeling a little nauseous after seeing how high up we were.My only complaint was someone next door was either banging a door or cupboard around and also listening to either an alarm or cell phone going continuously until about 1 am.Otherwise would def stay again. Loved it.😁😁😁

  • Jon Hunter

    Jon Hunter


    This wonderful hotel doesn't need my review. My wife and I were impressed and pleased with our experience. It was international first class in every way. My additional comments here will only confirm your reasons for staying here as well. Do it. Then, step outside the front door and enjoy the very best of Aukland. Restaurants close. Morning coffee close. The pier is close. You're close to it all! Enjoy!

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