Smokey Bros BBQ Café & Morere Holiday Park i Morere

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New ZealandSmokey Bros BBQ Café & Morere Holiday Park



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3983, State Highway 2, 4078, Morere, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-837 8792
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Latitude: -38.9849994, Longitude: 177.7906386

kommentar 5

  • Tahlia C

    Tahlia C


    Bloody amazing burgers after a great Hot Springs morning. They were huge and tasty. Smokey bro sauce is winner 👍 also damn good sugar donut! Staff even having a great sing along in the kitchen

  • manmet1 .

    manmet1 .


    Best burgers ever. I'll be bk to try the ribs. Well done guys

  • Rob Hulman

    Rob Hulman


    Great BBQ. Highly recommend the burgers and platters

  • Duncan Mortlock

    Duncan Mortlock


    The 'Bros' are passionate about great food. The BBQ ribs take them hours to prepare and they taste amazing, justifying all their hard work. They were working on obtaining a drinks licence when I visited, so they may have it by now. The plans include holding Mexican evenings at tables by the river, using recipes and techniques known by the Mexican Bros. When I stopped they had only had the place a few months, with their passion and energy it will become the place to go! Located at the Hot Springs at Morere, an hour from Nuhaka on SHW 2.

  • Duncan Mortlock

    Duncan Mortlock


    Loved it! The smokey Bros are passionate about great food. The best ribs I have ever had! The guys who run this place have had it for a short time but they are making it a real success. They make the best chilli sauces as well. When I visited they had not yet got their drinks license, however that should now be sorted, or at least in the next month. One of the Bros is Mexican and they plan to have dining by the stream with a Mexican theme. Smokey Bros have cabins and camping pitches for caravans, RVs and tents. I travelled 11,500 miles to have the ribs, fries and slaw, and I will be doing so again. If in New Zealand, do not miss out!

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