Stokes Valley Medical Centre i Lower Hutt

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandStokes Valley Medical Centre



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180, Stokes Valley Road, 5019, Lower Hutt, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-563 8200
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Latitude: -41.1732513, Longitude: 174.9821296

kommentar 5

  • jessy chapman

    jessy chapman


    Dr Malik is by far the best Dr in the wellington region. He's always so helpful and caring. The receptionists are always so helpful too.

  • Dragan Stojanovich

    Dragan Stojanovich


    I do not recommend, they do not examine there patients at all, and keep misdiagnosing an missed a bigger problem,this place is a malpractice suit waiting to happen, bad news!!

  • Darcy Nicholas

    Darcy Nicholas


    Dr April great doctor. Helpful friendly and good caring person. Reception friendly. Nurses excellent.

  • DJ Jones

    DJ Jones


    Changed from J April to Dr Malik. Awesome understanding and helpful. Very happy

  • Samantha Williams

    Samantha Williams


    Doctor malick an doctor april Are worst doctors ever. They are insulting and rude Indians An they always say your fine and never help, they dont even do examination most the time. I dont think they deserve a high rating because any1 who goes there knows how terrible they are. Even receptionist are rude sumtimes an unwelcoming.

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