Stonyridge Vineyard i Auckland

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New ZealandStonyridge Vineyard



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80, Onetangi Road, 1971, Auckland, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 9-372 8822
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Latitude: -36.796968, Longitude: 175.0660387

kommentar 5

  • Divya Ashok

    Divya Ashok


    Loved the ambience( I'm not much of a wine drinker)but my family enjoyed the wine tasting and came away with many bottles

  • David Palfreyman

    David Palfreyman


    Home to one of the most famous Bordeaux blends on Waiheke (Larose), Stonyridge boasts an impressive indoor/outdoor flow with huge yoga deck and a beautiful northerly aspect looking over a large tract of some of the best vines on the island. Casual style dining perfect for tourists, mates and families to wine and dine in the sun. Well worth a visit.

  • Duncan Hills

    Duncan Hills


    After a very short stay in the very average wild on Waiheke, we came next door to this cracker of a joint. Young Bar staff were suitably average but once we picked the rose we wanted, 9 bottles later I could’ve been served by an orangutan for all I cared. The sun going down with the live DJ and everyone having a great time made it one of my top two days out ever. Apre in Morzine ski fields being the other!

  • Isabel



    The landscape is absolutely beautiful. Large deck looking over the vineyard and scenic hills. They brought the wine tasting to our table and talked us through it, which was a great experience. Had the fresh local ciabatta & turkish pide with house made dips and this was very tasty.

  • en

    Lina Rivas


    Although the winery is overall a nice place to visit during a day trip to the island, the decor seems to tell a story of a place that has no character. It looks like whoever picked the decor went to a Home Depot or At Home equivalent in New Zealand and bought everything that was in front of them, drove back and scattered the stuff around the property.

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