Terrace Villas Serviced Apartments i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandTerrace Villas Serviced Apartments


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202, The Terrace, 6011, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-920 2020
internet side: www.terracevillas.co.nz
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Latitude: -41.2867036, Longitude: 174.7729276

kommentar 5

  • en

    erueti brown


    Great options and locations, loved our stay here much more comfortable and spacious than opting for a hotel.

  • en

    Margaret Crisp


    We stayed at the rear of the villa on the corner of Salamanca & The Terrace. The contact people who look after these villas were awesome. Nothing was too much trouble. They delivered bedding and a fold away bed for our friend who was with us for the weekend even found an offstreet park for his car. Our quarter of the villa was clean, tastefully decorated and in great condition. We had a comfortable bed, adequate cooking & eating equipment. Great location in the CBD.

  • Alexa Wu

    Alexa Wu


    No chopsticks or big bowls or measuring cups or paper towels provided. Huge hill you gotta climb up when you return. Staff is friendly. You can really hear your neighbors move though.

  • Spam Frequent

    Spam Frequent


    Staff are great but the place is more like a 2 Star hotel. It's a great building but really needs a decent clean, a dishwasher, and to be serviced more than once a week! After coming from Hong Kong it was a real kick in the teeth to pay this kind of money for this level of accommodation. At half the price it would still be way overpriced. Find a real hotel instead.

  • Allex Jensen

    Allex Jensen


    Furniture old style, internet can be intermittent and randomly drop connection. Cleaners and admin staff are very helpful and friendly. Everything works well.

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