The Ashley Hotel Greymouth i Greymouth

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New ZealandThe Ashley Hotel Greymouth


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74, Tasman Street, 7805, Greymouth, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 3-768 5135
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Latitude: -42.470126, Longitude: 171.1888263

kommentar 5

  • brask310



    Shower in our room was slow as.. and no heat pump/air con. All you get is a heater and electric fan. Can't imagine staying there in summer. Otherwise it's okay for an overnight rest stop like what we did.

  • Tom Barber

    Tom Barber


    This place would get a three star review but the lovely bar and restaurant staff saved this place when me and my friend stayed the night. We just stayed one night fortunately as it was very hot in the room and needed looking after a lot better. However, we had a lovely evening chatting to the main bartender and a coach driver during our stay which earns the place an extra star.

  • Iulii Scoricov

    Iulii Scoricov


    Only 120$ for an apartment with 2 separate rooms, kitchen, living room and toilet + shower + bathtub! Modern design and very comfortable and thought through set up. Plus is only 4 minute drive from town center. The only thing I didn't like is that the TV is hanging on the wall and it`s impossible to stick an HDMI cable in it. But still managed to put a flash drive with my movie so definitely 5/5!

  • en

    Rhonda Knipe


    Friendly staff all well educated on west coast knowledge. A little way from town centre but not a concern. Restaurant and bar on site as well as supermarket just down the street!

  • Derek Thorpe

    Derek Thorpe


    Basic hotel which has all the amenities but designed and probably built in the 1950's. When we arrived it was sunny and hot. The room was hotter with only a window to slightly cool it. Hard to sleep, no air conditioning. Everything else appears to work. It is similar to the town Greymouth. Found one nice restaurant opposite the railway. If you want a relaxed holiday, Greymouth is good. Excellent town museum just opened. Not a lot for the kids in town. Fortunately we're only here for one night

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