The County Hotel i Napier

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New ZealandThe County Hotel



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12, Browning Street, 4110, Napier, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 6-835 7800
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Latitude: -39.488532, Longitude: 176.91825

kommentar 5

  • Suzie Lee

    Suzie Lee


    Old world charm Located in the Art Deco precinct, this lovely boutique hotel exudes old world charm and elegance. The decor is just gorgeous and the staff are really friendly and welcoming. There are lots of nice little touches too - apples, kiwi fruit, port and lemon water. All the rooms are named after birds - we stayed in the Mockie which had a spacious bathroom with a spa bath.

  • Ilona Tu

    Ilona Tu


    This a beautiful hotel situated in an heritage building. The staff are very courteous and helpful. The location is very handy to all tourist attraction and the waterfront. Would definitely come back here again.

  • en

    Alan Le Breton


    Great bar menu. Nice new outdoor seating on the shady eastside ( appreciated on 30C days). The County is underrated in my opinion - try it!

  • en

    Rasmus Rubæk


    What a wonderful place for a couple of days retreat. The hotel itself is beautiful and the staff is extremely nice and helpful. We were very well taken care of. Lots of great places to eat nearby and the library in the hotel is the perfect place to relax with a good book after a day in the sun. And of course sip a glass of the complimentary port.

  • Gurinder Sundal

    Gurinder Sundal


    This is a beautiful hotel. Love all the woodwork and decorations. It takes you back in time. Love it. The owner came and said hello. The staff were very helpful. We had them book a wine tour last minute which was awesome! Love this hotel. The rooms are very comfortable.

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