The Fono Dental and Medical i Auckland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Fono Dental and Medical



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Level 2, 33 Wyndham Street, Auckland, 1010, Nueva Zelanda
kontakter telefon: +64 9-302 2496
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Latitude: -36.8466915, Longitude: 174.763795

kommentar 5

  • Michael Smale

    Michael Smale


    Only downside can be finding a car park. Excellent service for a reasonable price. Highly recommended

  • en

    Katelyn Nelson


    The fono is fantastic. Sherin was lovely and spent heaps of time with me explaining how to best care for my teeth.

  • Clement and Monique Richer

    Clement and Monique Richer


    I really appreciate the friendly and professional approach at The Fono. I went for a cleaning and exam after deciding to switch dentists. Dr Stevens was great and I would definitely recommend The Fono to anyone hunting for new dentist in the CBD. For those of you who live near downtown, it's very central - if you can, it's better to bus in than drive in and park. Thanks! - Monique

  • en

    Noorzay Faqeeri


    (My new Dentist Dr Mariam) The best Dental Care we have ever had. Great atmosphere and the best Dentist I have ever had Dr Mariam. Dr Mariam is a very professional and assuring Dentist. I’m glad that I met the Fono and extremely happy to call Dr Mariam my new Dentist. Dr Mariam makes my Dental visits something to look forward to, instead of being afraid of having sore teeth from previous Dentists at other places. Well done Dr Mariam, thank you very much and thanks to the Fono team.

  • Kelly Mitchell

    Kelly Mitchell


    Great service. it had been a few years since visiting a dentist as always so scarred, Fono made me feel at ease with my up coming procedures. I now will be keeping up with regular dentist appointments

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